Announcement ... 'Game Rules: Change The Rules. Transform Your Life' is filling up FAST! Grab your spot today.

Brand New From Michael Breen

Read This If You're Fed Up With Failure And Yearn For REAL Success


Discover the Missing 'Master Key' to Unlocking Long-Term Success & Fulfillment And Releasing Your Inner Handbrake!

Exclusive Pre-Launch Special Offer Closes In:


Tom O'Connor, London, UK

Dear Friend,

Imagine yourself on a treadmill. You're running hard, sweat pouring down your face. You're chasing after success, whether that's wealth, status, or inner peace. But no matter how fast you run, the destination never gets closer. You remain a step behind, a dollar short, a moment away from a breakthrough.

You've tried every trick in the book, followed the advice of 'experts', yet the life you yearn for remains out of reach.

Sound familiar?

If you, like many, are wanting more for your life, more success or more fulfilment; have ever found yourself asking:

  • “What’s wrong with me?”
  • "Why do I feel nothing I do makes a difference?"
  • “What can't I find (and remove) the handbrake that is holding me back?”

You're asking the right questions. And in this letter, I'll answer them.

If you've been tirelessly striving for your desired life, if you're punched in the stomach by failure more times than you care to admit, and are nowhere near where you envisioned yourself to be, at this point in your journey...

... but still hold onto hope ONE DAY things will change; you've arrived at the right place.

It can be hard to quiten the doubting voices when all you notice is the growing gap between your where you are and where you want to be. Between the life you aspire for and the life you have. Progress, even with your best efforts, can seem painfully slow. Sometimes it can feel like you are going backwards.

But what if I told you that the force keeping you stuck, stagnant or drifting ... has been within your grasp to change all along? That once you identify and learn to work with this force, it has the potential to revolutionize your life forever.

Within weeks, you could be making significant strides towards your objectives, making more progress in mere months than you have in years!

All it takes is a single change, a big claim I know but one that you'll shortly see makes sense.

But first, to figure out what's stopping you from having that sucess today, we need to answer an age old question:

"If Humans Possess Vast Potential, Why Do So Few Fail To Realise Even A Small Percentage Of It?"

If you're like most people into self-help students, you've probably spent a lifetime striving for success. You've read countless personal development books, attended many seminars, and perhaps have worked with coaches. Yet, you find yourself falling short of your aspirations.

Confounding, isn't it?

Why does success seem second nature to some, while for others it remains an elusive chimera?

It's not a deficiency of effort or intellect that holds you back. So what's the missing piece that causes others to succeed but keeps you stuck?

The answer is simple - It's your GAME RULES.

Specifically, people who succeed wildly in life, play by DIFFERENT RULES!

Now before you think, "Yea Tom, they cheat!" - I want to be totally clear: this has nothing to do with cheating but it DOES give people who know how to wield this power an enormous edge over their former selves (and others).

If fact, until I first learned about what I am about to tell you, it didn't even occur to me I could change the rules.

As you know, from birth, we've all been programmed to "follow the rules". These programs were installed in us by our parents, our teachers, our friends, popular culture and increasingly, by social media.

These invisible game rules largely operate outside our conscious awareness and kick in before our conscious mind has had a chance to even notice they are operating. And these rules go far beyond simply how you should behave in a given circumstance ("be a good boy/girl", "don't talk back", "wait your turn...", "don't be greedy").

These rules powerfully affect every area of your life.

They encompass who you think we are (our identities), what we are allowed to do and what is forbidden ... and even define our place what we think is possible and impossible for us.

Make no mistake...

Behind Every Thought or Feeling That Stops You Taking Action, There Is A Game Rule Operating.

If you ever found yourself at a loss to understand why you are NOT taking action on something you say is important to you, it's because you have a game rule blocking you. Think of it like buggy code. It literally sends a signal to your brain that stops you!

Our personal game rules wield a formidable influence over our behaviour. If unchecked, they exert massive CONTROL. And operate for the most part outside our conscious awareness.

And just like wandering into a jungle with the wrong map can spell disaster, navigating the intricacies of life's game with the wrong rules can lead to a world of frustration and pain.

In fact, if there is any area of your life where you are not happy with, or if you are dissatisfied with how much you've achieved or not achieved, how connected you feel, how much money you make etc., it's because there is a inhibiting game rule in place.

Thankfully we can change them, as the following case-example shows:

Change The Rules. Change Your Life.

Case Study: The Journey from

'Average Joe' to Joining the

Top 1% of Elite Earners

In Just A Few Short Years...

Amazing things can happen when one learns to transform the game rules that no longer serve us.

In fact, when Michael Breen told me about a recent client example where he's been using this methodology with, I was blown away. See for yourself.

A few years back, a man who had studied a lot of NLP and self-help approached Michael Breen. I'll call him Christopher (not his real name). He wanted to start a new consultancy business.

He had a good job but was keen to leave his current employer and set up for himself. Michael enquired:

Michael: "How much would you like to make in your first year of business?"

Christopher: "It would be great if I could replace my current salary."

Michael: "How much is that?"

Christopher: "About $80K"

Michael delved deeper into Christopher's financial goal; he discovered a web of game rules that Christopher held about money, his market value, and his earning potential. These ingrained belief were suppressing Christopher's potential earnings, acting like a handbrake on his earning potential.

So Michael went to work, helping to flush out the unconscious rules Christopher never realised were having a huge impact and setting very hard 'limits' on himself.

Flash forward a few years, through exploring and redesigning his game rules, Christopher is in the top 1% of earners in his country! And get this, his income is on track for him to earn over $500,000 this year!

When You Change Your Game Rules, Dramatic & Life Changing Results Can Occur Very Fast!

Christopher's case, though extraordinary, underscores a crucial aspect of game rules: altering the right game rule can enable seemingly impossible results.

By changing the right game rule - results you currently think of as impossible for you today, can happen.

Why? Because game rules are like super beliefs that organise entire chunks of behaviours at a higher level, so when you make changes to them, dramatic and life-changing results can occur, very fast.

The inverse is also true, the longer we stay stuck living out 'old rules' that no longer serve us, the longer we live with the handbrake on ourselves firmly on.

No simple belief change technique, value elictation or pretty much anything other standard change technique is going to make a dent. Why? Because even when you 'take out' a belief at a lower level, the higher level game rule can reconfigure and bring the old unwanted pattern right back!

Of course, we don't just have rules about money and finances. We have rules about everything. Relationships, health, love and romance, fitness, spirituality, work and career to name a few.

Each one of us goes around with our own personal set of rules. These rules don't just determine what we will do and not do but dramaticaly affect how we feel. Think of them as a compass that tell you which way to go for pleaseure and which way will lead to pain.

Your game rules also act as a personal scorecard. You could be making millions of dollars per year, have the best houses and cars and still not be happy. (As many wealthy people can confirm.) You could also be making minimum wage and feeling delighted every day ... or working your guts out and going nowhere, deeply frustrated, doing 'busy work', but can't see it is the implicit rules, not the lack of opportunity that keeps you stuck.

So having the right game rules is key to both our success and our sense of fulfillment. Yet up until recently, expert knowledge of how to work with and change our game rules was very hard to come by.

One author, nearly fourty years ago wrote about them, and pretty much nothing else has been done on them since. A lot of things have changed in NLP in the past 40 years and so too has our understanding about how they operate and how to quickly change them. Thanks to Master Trainer Michael Breen, we now have a much deeper and knowledge of how they work.

Michael has spent his entire career taking the very best bits of NLP apart and putting them back together in an integrated way along with designing new tools and distinctions to help his clients learn how to use them in their everyday life, even if they have little or no NLP training!

Recently, I challenged him to share his most current and never before disclosed secrets of how to work with and transform people's game rules. To my delight, he agreed!




What is it?

It's the MASTER KEY to long term success and fulfillment, leveraged by elite change masters for decades but largely unknown to the public. A system quite unlike any other.

Unlike the legion of generic self-help program on the market that are filled with cliches and generic advice, Game Rules is a unique journey in redefining yourself; that goes beyond temporary fixes to facilitate lasting transformation.

This brand-new home-study course is designed for individuals hungry for genuine growth, eager to unlock untapped levels of success and fulfillment, and ready to shatter perceived limitations.

In Game Rules, you will delve into an essential and overlooked aspect of real personal development - examining and redesigning the rules you live by, with Master Trainer Michael Breen as your personal guide.

In this course, you'll learn about the elusive, frequently subconscious hard lines you set for yourself and others set for you, that powerfully govern your behaviours. Defining what you will do, won't do, what's possible and what's impossible for you - and how to change them.

As you are about to discover game rules are the master key to every success and failure. With the right game rules, success becomes so much easier. With the wrong game rules, success becomes near impossible.

And now for the first time ever, Michael Breen reveals how rewrite the 'rules' that have been restraining your potential, limiting your choices, and constricting your vision of what's possible.

It's going to be one heck of a ride. Buckle up and let's get started!

Here's a taste of what you'll learn in this exciting new course:

Big Secrets About 'Changing The Rules'

Only Masters Know

Our personal game rules determine so much of our life. Discover the real secrets of how game rules work, how to identify them and how to you can change them.

Hear is a small taste of what you’ll learn:

Are you making use of one the most powerful tools in your change arsenal when making changes for yourself? Most people aren’t. Find out if you are and how you can use it.

What game rules are and how they organise and control human behaviour.

The sneaky little trick to bring other than conscious game rules into your conscious mind so you can inspect and change them. This works every time.

How our brains are so good at stopping us from seeing possibilities - find out how it works AND how you can change this easily by doing one simple thing.

Understand the powerful role feed forward functions have on creating and sustaining our game rules.

Unmask the illusion: Discover why so many widely held conclusions do NOT support our best interests and how to quickly change them…

Do you suffer from a ‘noisy troll’ inside your head, pulling you down and complaining about the world? Many people do - learn how to tame your troll so you can experience more focus, presence and peace of mind.

Struggling to get your mojo going? Find practical solutions and proven strategies for reawakening what you really want.

Say goodbye to feeling stuck and frustrated, spinning your wheels, getting nowhere! Learn powerful practices to break free from limiting thoughts and rules so you can begin to create a life filled with meaning and true prosperity.

7 powerful questions to help you pin down exactly where and how specific game rule got installed.

Why being a better friend to yourself is so important and so useful if you want to make lasting changes.

A dead simple trick you can do to wire your brain to quickly build new neural connections, so you start to do more of what you want and less of the stuff you don’t want!

Discover how game rules get installed and you can change them unlocking massive growth and new possibilities.

Plus, much more.

Practical Tools to Alter Your Identity…

Some of the most powerful rules we have are those that affect our identity. And in this section of the course Michael will teach you how to work with and alter identity game rules.

You’ll learn:

How ‘identify level’ game rules function and why it is so important to know how to change them when an identity no longer works for you.

The safe way to challenge your own self-concepts and identity level labels.

Do you have the habit of judging yourself poorly? Find out why this is almost certainly holding you back and what to do instead that feels much better.

Say goodbye to identities that hold you back and suppress your potential.

How to spot and alter unconscious identity game rules that no longer serve you.

What to do if you feel surrounded by limitations and challenges. Hint: It’s time to change some game rules!

What to do if you find yourself getting easily annoyed or triggered. This one technique Michael’s been using for decades can save you years of annoyance and frustration!

The smart way to use your internal self-dialogue and imagination for your benefit!

The secret to break free from learned helplessness and embrace a sense of choice and empowerment.

Say goodbye to feeling deeply frustrated, spinning your wheels, and getting no where! Learn powerful practices to break free from limiting thoughts and rules so you can begin to create a life filled with meaning and true prosperity.

Do you ever feel like you are going around the world with a handbrake on but you just can’t seem to find where it is so you can take it off? Let Michael show you how to identify ‘your handbrake’ so you can remove it once and for all.

The #1 attitude you must develop if you want to move through the world unperturbed by challenges and setbacks. This simple change can radically change your whole life.

Unlock the key to a happier and more empowered life by mastering the art of state shifting.

Plus, much more.

With a real handle on how game rules work for you and in others, it’s time to take your ability to change and transform up a level as Michael reveals…

Next-Level Skills to Redesign Yourself

Wherever there are rules, nearby there are supporting beliefs. That’s why, Michael will show you how to alter reinforcing beliefs as you acquire next-level skills to change your life.

You’ll learn:

The surprising truth about what beliefs most people don’t know which makes beliefs vulnerable to being changed (when you know these few little know things).

Why and how you are the architect of your own internal space and how to build it so it fully supports you.

Explore the connection between beliefs, decisions, choices, and game rules - and how they form intricate network within our minds, shaping our reality.

You should eliminate limiting beliefs, right? Wrong, use this brilliant 3 step process to change limiting beliefs fast!

The #1 attitude you must develop if you want to move through the world unperturbed by challenges and setbacks. This simple change can radically change your whole life.

Discover little known tactics and powerful tricks to breaking apart beliefs and generalisations that no longer serve you.

Swipe some of the best personal change tools from Michael’s toolbox he uses to change and transform himself.

Adopt a single practice that can revolutionise your ability to create change for yourself, creating the path to increasingly larger and larger transformations.

Powerful ways to challenge and change deeply ingrained beliefs fast - even if you have struggled to change a belief for years.

4 powerful questions you can ask yourself to help you quickly identify where to intervene in your own life so you can create more of the outcomes you want.

Struggling to get your mojo going? Find practical solutions and proven strategies for overcoming obstacles and creating real change fast.

Say goodbye to grumpiness and discover proven techniques to eliminate its negative impact on your life.

A simple hack to get the brain to reinforce the behaviours and actions you want, which you can literally do in seconds!

3 simple questions that you can ask yourself today to avoid wasting years pursuing things and achieving goals that ultimately hold no real value for you!

Genius! Discover the moment Michael Breen realised Richard Bandler was a genius! And what this taught him about how to make changing beliefs much easier which you can use too.

Brain hack: Harness the power of your imagination to craft rich, detailed fantasies that allow you to create strong states and install new, more empowering, game rules!

Plus, more.

Throughout the course Michael Breen reveals…

Winning Mindsets &

Daily Practices that Unlock


Imagine you, at your very best. That’s what becomes possible when you adopt the winning mindsets and deep inner transformation Michael Breen teaches you in this brand-new course. This is the stuff you won’t find any self-help book or course. These are many of Michael Breen’s best kept change secrets, for "changing the rules!", revealed in-depth for the very first time.

You’ll learn:

The secret to growing more as a person in a year than most people experience in a decade.

Join Michael for a much deeper exploration of transforming your relationships with yourself than you ever experienced, as you invited to disregard old game rules in place of new empowering ones, opening the doors for a profound personal shift.

Access a radical question that has the power to transform the relationship you have with yourself, forever.

The key to transforming your moment-by-moment experience you can practice anywhere.

Flush out hidden game rules by leveraging the power of roles and expectations to light up where game rules are hiding.

Do you find your state pulls you down and ‘takes you out of the game’ before the game has even begun? Learn Michael’s proven method to regain control over one of the most important underutilised assets you have - your emotions!

 Discover why trading 3 things can lead to lightning-fast personal growth and much, much quicker change. (This is the stuff only masters know.)

The one skill essential to deep transformation of yourself … adopt this and you have the power to quickly identify and eliminate the real obstacles that are in your way.

4 powerful questions you can ask yourself to help you quickly identify where to intervene in your own life, so you can create more of the outcomes you want.

Explore how non-verbal communication, used by your audience, can be used to influence people in a very powerful and profound ways … outside of their conscious awareness.

Harness the power of deliberate visualisation to cause the brain to build greater motivation and trigger desire to achieve the things you want.

How to break free from the mental trap of 'defending the suffering' and pave the way to what you really want – discover how the mind's game rules keep people stuck.

3 killer questions Michael recommends you use anytime you want to quickly throw off old patterns that don’t serve you.

How to avoid getting stuck in negative spirals, self-pity, and toxic self-judgement.

Discover how through simple daily practices you can create a more fulfilling life.

How a simple single change to how you start your day, can have profound and lasting benefits for decades to come.

Say goodbye to wishing and hoping for a better future and hello to creating what you want right now with Michael’s proven method.

Unleash Your Inner Master:

Free Your Mind, Master Your Reality, and Propel Yourself to Greater Levels of Success!

Prepare to embark on a transformative journey that will redefine your understanding of success and personal growth. In this section of the course, Michael delves into powerful strategies and insights that have been meticulously designed to help you break free from limiting beliefs, master your mindset, and propel yourself towards unprecedented success.

Get ready to unlock far more of your potential!


You’ll learn:

Master the art of validation to forge an unshakeable sense of certainty and self-confidence.

Think you always need a technique to create change? Think again! Experience the power of awareness and intention in creating profound change.

Adopt highly effective habits that dramatically reduce the time it takes to change many behaviours. Say goodbye to 99% of traditional change techniques.

Discover the simplest way to transform your worldview and consequently, your life.

Embrace the billionaire mindset. Understand 2 key questions that billionaires and multi-millionaires regularly ask themselves, which people who struggle overlook.

Unlock the secret sauce of conscious change. Harness the power of intention to lead the life you’ve always wanted.

Uncover a counterintuitive method for rapid progress that challenges traditional self-help advice.

Gain elite NLP insights. Understand the structure and function of game rules so you can rapidly change them.

Discover real secrets to advanced change work known only by real change masters.

Understand why using affirmations to overcome perceived problems should be approached with caution, and discover a more effective alternative recommended by Michael.

A brilliant trick created by Richard Bandler that dramatically reduces self-resistance when doing self-change work.

Learn how to find happiness in the smallest things, even when you have to engage in tasks that don’t interest you.

Understand the importance of building new networks of supporting decisions and conclusions when engineering real change.

Discover the art of configuring your inner mindset to consistently unveil a cascade of fresh possibilities, exciting perspectives, and enriching opportunities that invigorate your life.

And much more...

What's Included In This Brand-New Program

49 Brand-New High Definition Training Sessions

Watch and learn as Michael Breen reveals his best kept secrets to telling stories that influence and impact, so you can tell powerful stories that change minds.

49 Audio Files

Sometimes it’s not suitable or possible to watch videos. That’s why we’ve also made the entire program available in MP3 format, so you can listen and learn as you commute, exercise or take it with you on the road.

Each video comes with accompanying audios which you can download and use on your smartphone, tablet or computer for easy offline listening.

15 Bespoke Exercises

"Game Rules" is designed to help you get results, fast! So we've jam packed 15 expert exercises to help discover and change your game rules so you can create much more of the life you want.

And To Make This An Easy Decision For You,

We've Added $2000 of Exclusive LIVE Bonuses...


Game Rule Mastery

Redesign Your Rules for More Success and Fulfillment.

(Live Zoom Masterclass - July 5th 2023)

Value $500

In this exciting masterclass Michael unveils a treasure trove of insider secrets and advanced strategies to transform your mindset, feelings and game rules so you can redesign your life for greater success and fulfilment.

Combined with what you learn inside our brand new course 'Game Rules', you'll walk away with the knowledge and tools to be able to make dramatic shifts in your life by making some small, but very powerful changes. You'll learn how to get back into the 'driver's seat' and restore choice on when and where, your game rules fire; giving you a whole new set of options about how to live your life.

Many people go around living their lives walled in by disempowering game rules that make it impossible for them to feel successful or fulfilled. In this special LIVE masterclass (exclusively for inaugural members of Game Rules) you get to join Michael live.

You'll Learn:

How to setup the game of life so you are winning far more of the time.

How to quickly alter the game rules that are causing you to feel stressed, angry and resentful.

How to identify which game rules and social control programs are ruling your life, even if you think you are free from influence.

Discover the secret to generating our own luck with this brilliant method.

Shift your perspective on creating new behaviours. Understand why merely visualizing outcomes is not enough and explore superior methods taught by Michael that produce remarkable results for his clients.

Install new mindsets that lead to being far more effective and feeling you are winning much more in life.

Why every emotional upset is a game rules upset and how you can easily change your emotional baseline by changing your game rules.

What you should stop doing if you want to be more successful!

Gain the keys to creating extraordinary relationships by understanding not only your own game rules but also the game rules that govern others. Experience profound shifts in your interactions and establish deep, meaningful connections.

Plus much more.

Join us free for this powerful masterclass and discover how to deliberately use game rules to redesign your life. Michael's wisdom and expertise will empower you to embark on a journey of self-mastery and give you the knowledge to change the rules you've been living by!

Andrew Smith

Game rules are extremely useful! My life was not working across the board and I decided to enroll in Game Rules to have more awareness of what patterns underpin the core levels of my behaviours and the opportunity to shift things as they come up while building in and strengthening new patterns.

I like the way the exercises built on one another and helped create more freedom in awareness and choice.


Game Rules - Client Interventions

Expert Knowledge For Change Professionls

(Live Zoom Masterclass - July 7th 2023)

Value $500

When working with clients, does it ever feel like you are chasing a rabbit? Do you find your change a client’s beliefs only for it to whip back in to place? Are you clients lost inside a world of abstractions and stories that never meet the ground?

Then you’ll really enjoy this masterclass.

Modifying other people's game rules can be some of the most powerful and impactful change work they will ever experience. And in this LIVE masterclass, you'll get to join Michael and I live over Zoom where he'll be teaching many of the most powerful distinctions and tactics you need to know, to shift client's game rules.

If you are a coach, therapist, trainer, leader or people helper you won't want to miss out!

This is first and only time Michael will be talking about, in a very open and candid way what it actually takes to help people change the rules they use to create meaning, emotions and live their life by.

When you master what Michael teaches, change work becomes a whole lot easier. Join us July 7th for a blockbuster session.

Here's a small taste of what you'll learn:

Acquire an expert strategy in how to work with other people powerfully.

How conventional framing of client's problems is the problem and how top tier change pros do instead which make changing people's rule much, much easier.

Why working with client’s game rules will get you much bigger results than trying to tackle and chnage their beliefs, feelings and values one-by-one.

What personal development work Michael encourages change agents to do, if you want to be able to help your clients go much further.

Quick and simle ways to spot disempowering game rules.

Multiple ways to break old game rules you need to know.

How to install empowering game rules using proven methods.

Tips and tricks on how to troubleshoot common problems.

Case Examples: Hear Michael share vivid examples of working with client’s game rules and how the smallest of changes can have huge impact on their lives.

Plus much more

Corey Zehnder

Software Salesman

“I found the distinctions in Game Rules to be extremely helpful in the way I look at the world and identifying the games rules which hold me back.

After completing the course, the filters I view the world through, have become more positive, I am more aware (of my own game rules), and have greater awareness of the societal game rules which bind us. I also have greater optimism, I feel empowered and have a greater ability to challenge and eliminate my own unresourceful beliefs. I recommend this course to others.”


Game Rules

Ask Michael Anything LIVE

(Live Zoom Masterclass - July 6th & 7th 2023)

Value $500

In addition to the core training, the multiple live masterclasses, more than a dozen bespoke exercises, you will also have the opportunity to ask Michael Breen anything you want about game rules and get his expert feedback during this LIVE AMA session, starting July 6th and 7th.

As you begin to integrate this powerful toolkit into your life or your work with clients, we expect questions will arise; that's why, when you join as part of our inaugural intake, you get to ask Michale any question you want - at no extra cost!

Terry Hood

Former trainer and coach for sales and design

“I recommend Game Rules to others. (Michael Breen delivers) a very friendly and entertaining presentation. I went through the exercises alongside (another well known NLP training program) and found … Michael’s was much more entertaining. This course is structured for experienced NLP practitioners.”


Closed Member Support Group

(For Game Rules Students ONLY)

Value $500

Learning isn't an event, it's an ongoing process. That's why we're here to support you as you learn how to work and design new empowering game rules. So we've setup a special portal for you to get additional support if you need it. You can ask Michael and I questions, and engage with other peers directly in our closed-member support group, set up exclusively for students of this program.

As you apply your new found skills from this course, you'll quickly begin to see game rules everywhere and discover how to redesign your own ones. We've got your back and we'll be here to help you get the answers you need to discover how to apply game rules masterfully in your life.

And just in case you haven't studied with us before, here's some details about your instructor..

Nils Rundcrantz

Consultant/IT Project Manager

“I have been on a path of self-development for 30+ years, and have gotten somewhat on the way. I purchased Game Rules for personal use mostly.”

Meet Your Instructor - Change Master, Michael Breen

Michael Breen:

Is a expert at behavioural change with forty years experience helping clients change and transform their lives.

A renowned NLP Master Trainer, who has helped over a 100,000 workshop participants and thousands of one-to-one clients change, from everyday folks to A-list celebrities, to multi-millionaires, billionaires and leaders at every level unlock far more of their potential.

For over a decade, he co-ran workshops with Dr. Richard Bandler & Paul McKenna helping countless people experience dramatic and powerful changes.

Created the first business NLP practitioner in the UK and created the Framing Tool, along with made several other contributions to the field of NLP.

Revolutionized the design and delivery of NLP training in the UK, co-founding the largest NLP training school in the world.

Is one of Europe's leading executive coaches.

Is a top-notch management consultant to numerous Fortune 500 companies where he has helped them.

So, you can relax and know you are in truly world class hands who has worked with clients and businesses all over the world, including firms such as:

You Can Count On Us To Help You Get The Results You Want. . .

Read What Customers Are Saying

About Training With Us

Your Investment

To Change Your Future & Transform Your Life

Before I reveal the investment I want you to take a moment with me to picture your life as it stands today. Maybe you're feeling like you're treading water in your career, your relationships lack the depth and connection you crave, your income isn't reflecting your worth, your health is taking a backseat, and overall, you're not experiencing the happiness or success you know is possible.

You're caught in a game - a game dictated by rules that are silently controlling your life, limiting your potential, and keeping your dreams, just out of reach.

Rules that are holding the handbrake down, no matter what you try.

Now, consider this…

Imagine waking up a short while from now to a life where you've finally taken control of your game rules. You've not just identified the ‘handbrake’ that had been holding you back, you’ve completely eliminated it and rewired the rules that once were the biggest barriers to your success.

You’re floating on cloud nine.

It finally feels like your boat has come in…

That’s what Game Rules can offer you. By mastering which rules you live by, you learn to lead and direct the master system that profoundly affects every aspect of your life. From you career, your relationships, your emotions, your health, your income, and so much more.

In next to no time at all, with the expert strategies shared in Game Rules, you could be well on your way, like so many others who Michael has helped, to realise the life you’ve always wanted to lead.

A life where you are no longer a back seat driver but one where you get to choose and make the rules, blazing a new chapter for your life, free of the limitations that for too long have controlled your life.

Every area of your life is ripe for transformation, when you learn how to change the rules that control your life.

Your career, your relationships, your health etc. … a whole new level of results.

This is just a tiny taste of the power of mastering your game rules can have. And right now, as part of our inaugural intake you can get...



Given the uniqueness of this training, the live sessions, expert tuition and live feedback, and the wealth of knowledge Michael Breen has distilled into this program from four decades of experience, this course could easily command a price tag of $1,997.00.

However, as a valued member of our community, we're offering you a special opportunity.

While $1,997 is a fair price to learn these skills, skills that give you the power to identify and change the rules that determine your success, you won't be required to pay $1,997 or even $997 (which is what we'll almost certainly charge those who come later if not more.)

Today, you have the chance to invest in yourself and access this transformative knowledge for just...



Just 3 easy payments of $197


$497 (Best Value)

And what do you get in return? The skills to finally identify and remove your 'inner handbrake' along with the knowlege to transform any area of your life by redesigning the game rules you live by. This is truly powerful DEEP personal change you won't find anywhere else.

PLUS: If you work with clients or help others, you'll acquire the hard-to-come-by expert knowledge to help them do the same.

Game Rules isn't just a course, it's a small investment in unlocking your potential. It's the missing piece in achieving the life you've always wanted to lead.

But hurry! Places are limited and filling up fast. We'll cut off enrollment as soon as we hit our limit for the live trainings or when the countdown hits zero. Grab this offer now to secure your place and enjoy our exclusive inaugural offer pricing (while spots are available) and finally discover how to master your game rules and transform your life!

Grab your spot here now.

An Unbeatable Guarantee

Try 'Game Rules' 

For a Full 30 days, Risk Free...

To completely take away any risk from you I am also going to give you a 30-day - Hassle Free - Money Back Guarantee.

When you register today for Game Rules you get a full 30 days to consume the entire course — before you decide if it is for you.

Go through the entire video training, watch all the videos, do the exercises and implement the lessons right away to your life.

You'll have a full 30 days to test the system out for yourself before deciding if it is right for you.

If you are not fully satisfied with this course then simply contact me within 30 days of purchasing, show me you have completed the assignments (so I know you gave it a fair try) and I’ll refund your entire tuition and give you your money back.

So you risk absolutely nothing – buy the program, watch all the videos and try out the exercises. As long as its within 30 days, you can claim a full refund if you don’t think we have delivered!

That’s how confident I am in the power of this material.

So what are you waiting for? Go grab one of the limited spots before they are gone!

Yes Tom! I Want To Discover How To Master My Game Rules So I Can Finally LIFT The Handbrake And Unlock Far More of My Vast Potential!

I understand when I purchase Game Rules today I get...

Game Rules: Change The Rules. Transform Your Life. Today.

($2,997 VALUE)

Big Secrets About Game Rules Only Masters Know

Practical Tools to Alter Your Identity…

Next-Level Skills to Redesign Yourself

Winning Mindsets & Daily Practices to Unlock Deep Transformation

Unleash Your Inner Master: Free Your Mind, Master Your Reality, and Propel Yourself to Greater Levels of Success!

Video Sessions: 49 Game Rules Training Videos

Audio Downloads: 49 Game Rules Training Audios

17 Expert Game Rules Change Exercises

Bonus #1: Game Rules Mastery: Redesign The Rules For Success And Fullfilment

(Live Zoom Masterclass - July 6th, 2023)

($500 VALUE)

Bonus #2: Game Rules - Client Interventions: Expert Knowledge For Change Professionals

(Live Zoom Masterclass - July 7th, 2023)

($500 VALUE)

Bonus #3: Ask Michael Anything LIVE

(Live on Zoom - July 6th and 7th, 2023)

($500 VALUE)

Bonus #4: Closed Member Support Group

($500 VALUE)

30-day: 100% Money Back Guarantee

Total Value: $4,997.00

Total Value: $4,997.00

Exclusive Inaugural Offer:

Enrol Today For Just 3 x $197 or

$497 (Best Value)

Places Going Fast. Enrollment Closes In:

P.S. There isn't any other program like Game Rules on the market. This is the advanced stuff that doesn't make it into the self-help books or courses but is the fast-track to success. If you're tired of the same old self-help courses that promise transformation but fail to deliver, that offer incremental change which rarely lasts, then this course was tailor-made for you. Game Rules, teaches you how to identify and fix the unconscious rules that are holding you back from new levels of success and fulfillment.

Until you change the rules, your rules WILL hold you back from achieving the success you are capable of. The 'inner handbrake' will slow your progress down, even if consciously, you want something else. This one of a kind course helps you change all that.

Inside Game Rules, you'll learn how to pull the levers on the MASTER SYSTEM that controls so much of your behaviours. With the right rules, success becomes so much easier. With the wrong rules, success becomes near impossible.

Game Rules equips you with the knowlege and tools you need. It's a unique, transformative journey in identifying and rewiring the unconscious rules that keep you stuck. Michael Breen has spent his entire career taking apart and reassembling the best elements of NLP, designing new tools and distinctions to help his clients apply them in their everyday lives. This course is the first time he reveals this expert knowledge on how to do this for yourself!

This is your chance to benefit from a lifetime of Michael's expertise and innovation. Don't miss this exclusive opportunity to redefine your identify, and unlock far greater levels of success and personal growth. Secure your spot now.

PPS. In addition to teaching you the secrets of how Game Rules work and how to change them, when you enrol before the countdown hits zero, you'll also get you enjoy the exclusive inaugural pricing, and get to join us next month for exclusive member only live masterclasses. On Thursday July 6th, you can join us for Game Rule Mastery where Michael will share insider secrets and advanced strategies to transform and redesign your game rules. Then on July 7th, during the second masterclass we will delve even deeper, where Michael will show you how to work with and change other people's game rules.

You get to join these sessions for FREE when you enroll today. These and the other bonuses are worth $2,000 alone. These masterclasses are your chance to make dramatic shifts in your life by making small, but very powerful changes. Don't let this opportunity pass you by. Enroll now and begin your journey towards new found levels of success and fulfillment.

Don't miss out on this very limited opportunity to access new levels of success and fulfillment. Order your copy now.

Frequently Asked Questions

Secure Your Spot Now.

Total Value: $4,997.00

Exclusive Inaugural Offer:

Enrol Today For Just 3 x $197 or

$497 (Best Value)

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Places Going Fast. Enrollment Closes In: